... but please tranlate "no space left on device" with "kein Weltraum links auf Gerät".
P.S: Despite being a native german speaking person I absolutely hate translated gui's since before windows 3.0, sorry.
Hi All,
It might be intentional... but....
Why is it that I can't install other software using apt-get install <DEB-Name>?
root@pbs:~# apt-get update
Hit:1 http://ftp.ch.debian.org/debian buster InRelease
Hit:2 http://ftp.ch.debian.org/debian buster-updates InRelease
Hi Thomas,
I tend to like the guest-agent a lot - much cleaner backups :)
Basically, the workaround is simple: Do the backup of PBS using vzdump to a normal (NFS)-Store - and send the rest to PBS.
BTW, I'm seeing quite good numbers doing backups... especially unix vms are about 50-60%...
True. But the Proxmox Server runs on the local partition - and some stuff is most probably not going directly to the nfs storage.
I think this generates a deadlock somehow (which isn't surprising, honestly).
Hi Thomas (again),
Just checked your Input about "different store with no backup"... I don't think this has anything to do with that.
I think the problem occurs here:
INFO: issuing guest-agent 'fs-freeze' command
INFO: issuing guest-agent 'fs-thaw' command
This seems to block the writes to...
Hi again,
... on a completely different note: It would be very cool if we could somehow download the backup server configuration into an archive to store i.e. on a USB key or likewise.
This would simplify mitigating a backup server crash a lot!
Hi Thomas,
This is Jackass and we're doing Backups!
As always: Curiosity kills the cat :cool:
Easier way: Backup PBS using vzback to a different directory - and then do the backups using PBS with the exclude flag.
The error is not non-recoverable - so after restarting pvestatd everything is...
Hi All,
Just in case someone else wants to try something stupid: If you're running PBS as a VM, DO NOT try to backup your own PBS Server to PBS. Tried it - ended up with a broken backup (and pvestatd needing a restart).
Was it a stupid idea? Ummmm... somewhat ;-)
Otherwise... works brilliant...
Hi Kenneth,
I see your point... but I don't think putting PBS on a PVE Node does make too much sense right now.
First, scalability will be impaired. You only run PBS on one node - the others will just feed that node.
This could lead to a bottleneck.
Second... I don't think it is a good idea...
You can install PBS on a standard debian system with custom storage layout. If you tweak enoug you might even be able to run it on something like a synology or qnap storage...
don’t ask me about supporting the latter - for tests: yes. For production: nope.
I currently have a vm set up with pbs - it‘s not so much about traffic, it‘s more about convenience.
once the server is out of beta status I will most probably add some dedicated server to run pbs.
one question I still have is how to backup the pbs configuration in order to access my backups...
... if you find this question „interesting“ I fear we‘re in for a bit of a surprise here...
I *know* what people charge for virtualization or backup (or both). And for now, Proxmox has been *very* fair.
I don‘t expect wonders - but would love to be able to sell this to smaller customers...
Hi All,
I have one question regarding PBS... can you give us any (rough) estimate on what the pricing will be / how the licensing will be implemented? Will it be a per-backup-server / per-client pricing?
And how much will each server / client cost?
Since we do have quite a lot of Proxmox VE...
Still no luck...
pvesm add pbs pbs01 --server <IPY--username proxmoxbackup@pbs --password <PASS> --datastore pbs01 --fingerprint 10:[..]:5d
# pvesm status --storage pbs01
Name Type Status Total Used Available %
pbs01 pbs active...
I run pve-626 (I run on the subscription-version and not on the free version).
That's probably why.... nevertheless it seems like the backup isn't finding something when trying to create...
It looks like the storage is valid and the integration at first worked... at least I get:
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