Hi, my steps are:
- disable pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys
- run Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter C -Defrag -Verbose
- run Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" -Name DisableDeleteNotification -Value 1
- run fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 3
Hi, sorry for opening this old thread, but I'm still experiencing this problem. My W10 NTFS machines generate 10G backup every day doing nothing. I did all the stuff recomended above. Did anyone solve this? Is there some tool to monitor, what processes generate these writes?
Now I see it's not proper, because when I launch VNC console I get this error:
syswrite() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/CLI/qm.pm line 86.
TASK ERROR: Failed to run vncproxy.
I have problem for example getting IP from qm command like this:
qm agent 115 network-get-interfaces
When its localized Windows machine, in my case CZ, the name of the interface contains utf8 national chars (poor Windows), but perl prints warning:
Wide character in print at...
That is correct, but in my case I suspect the drives are really the problem. I was using rather slow SAS 7.2K drives in R1, and on this storage a medium load eshop with MySQL is running (lot of randrom writes and reads). When I tried to restore VM to this drive this VM crashed, because it...
Yes this helps, but is it a normal solution? Is it ok, that one write operation kills the entire drive performance? I guess yes.
My setup is DELL R720, H710Pmini, RAID1 from two HGST 2.7T drives
Hi, I'm experiencing exactly the same, my version is 5.4-13
I don't remember having probles with this on older versions.
I was blaming my slow 7.2K drives, but you have SSDs and have same problem...
Playing with restore read rate worked, but I ended up as low as 10Mib/s, which is rather slow.
Hi my problem still persists, more info:
- full stop scheduled backup
- up to date proxmox VE
- it's random (it doesn't occur always, nor on same VMs)
- it even occurs randomly in one backup job (3 VMs to backup, 2 fail, 1 is OK)
- only the backup fails, the machine never failed to start back...
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