If anyone else is having this issue, I put the PUID and PGID of the docker images as both 0 (which is output of `id root` from the unprivileged docker host). I doubt this is best practice, better would be to add another user to host with less permissions (also added to the LXC group) and use the...
Got it working! When I was shutting down the container, I was just sshing and 'shutdown -r now'. But when I shutdown, then started from proxmox web gui, after starting up shows the device!! Previously if I made a mistake in conf file if I restarted in the container it would break it, so not sure...
Hi Jonas,
Did follow yours as well, here's my outputs, pretty similar to yours:
root@proxmox:~# lsusb
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0658:0200 Sigma Designs, Inc.
root@proxmox:~# ls -l /dev/bus/usb/003/003
crw-rw-r-- 1 root root 189, 258 May 25 17:17 /dev/bus/usb/003/003
root@proxmox01:~# nano...
Having the same trouble as everyone, but not able to resolve, have tried everything in this thread and now tearing my hair out! Has anyone managed to get it into a Ubuntu16_04 container, wondering if this is my issue?
Basically at the top of my conf file have:
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow: c 166:*...
Hi fireon thanks for the response.
Sorry I was not able to follow along completely.
On Proxmox host in /proc/mounts the mount is showing the acl option:
//freenas.blab/Videos /mnt/freenas_shares/Videos cifs...
I got it to work, but not an elegant solution.
In LXC container for plex:
root@plex:~# id plex
uid=111(plex) gid=118(plex) groups=118(plex),0(root)
Then in /etc/fstab of Proxmox host added a new entry just for plex:
//freenas.blab/Videos /mnt/freenas_shares/PlexVideos cifs...
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I am unsure of correct terminology.
I have a CIFS mount on host: /mnt/shares/Videos
On my plex CT I have the following in conf:
mp0: /mnt/freenas_shares/Videos,mp=/Videos
In the CT /Videos I can r/w as root. However plex runs as plex user, which has no...
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