Katsetan Proxmox ja GlusterFS'i peale ehitamist ning sattusin foorumis teie postitusi lugema. Kas oleks mahti/viitsimist kogemusi jagada?
I'm currently experimenting with building a virtualization solution on Proxmox + GlustertFS and saw some of your posts on this forum. Do you feel like sharing some experiences? I'm currently stuck with figuring out how to prevent read-only mode in ext4 on virtual guests when a proxmox host loses connection to gluster. Echoing timeout values to /sys/block/sda etc. does not give expected results, debian and centos, older and newer, scsi, virtio, ide and ext4, xfs all seem to have a problem with even a short disconnect. Maybe you have made similar experiments and arrived at some conclusions? And maybe you know additional traps with using Proxmox + Gluster?
Katsetan Proxmox ja GlusterFS'i peale ehitamist ning sattusin foorumis teie postitusi lugema. Kas oleks mahti/viitsimist kogemusi jagada?
I'm currently experimenting with building a virtualization solution on Proxmox + GlustertFS and saw some of your posts on this forum. Do you feel like sharing some experiences? I'm currently stuck with figuring out how to prevent read-only mode in ext4 on virtual guests when a proxmox host loses connection to gluster. Echoing timeout values to /sys/block/sda etc. does not give expected results, debian and centos, older and newer, scsi, virtio, ide and ext4, xfs all seem to have a problem with even a short disconnect. Maybe you have made similar experiments and arrived at some conclusions? And maybe you know additional traps with using Proxmox + Gluster?