tips on time synchronization and proxmox


Sep 27, 2024
I have proxmox 8.3.0 recently installed, and things have been great.

Recently I deployed 7 vms to be used by a kubernetes cluster. Everything has been working great until ...

I deployed a database which spanned across a few of the vms, because of time sync issues.

I installed qemu-guest-agent on each of the vms which initially synced up time on each of the vms.

Given that proxmox uses chrony (in this case all 3 servers with a default installation) and the vms have a qemu agent installed on them, which I would think would sync them to the proxmox host, why would the time of the vms be getting out of sync?

F0303 18:41:30.014338   117] Too big clock skew is detected: 0.731s, while max allowed is: 0.500s; clock_skew_force_crash_bound_usec=60000000
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I installed qemu-guest-agent, but hadn't enabled it via the proxmox gui, I've enabled it and am now testing. So far time is now sync'd.
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Still experiencing a time sync issue in the database I deployed. I'm not sure what else to try ...

yb-master-0                                      3/3     Running            3 (11h ago)       11h
yb-master-1                                      3/3     Running            3 (11h ago)       11h
yb-master-2                                      3/3     Running            3 (11h ago)       11h
yb-tserver-0                                     3/3     Running            3 (11h ago)       11h
yb-tserver-1                                     2/3     CrashLoopBackOff   75 (4m23s ago)    11h
yb-tserver-2                                     3/3     Running            3 (11h ago)       11h
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I installed qemu-guest-agent, but hadn't enabled it via the proxmox gui, I've enabled it and am now testing. So far time is now sync'd.
QEMU guest agent does not keep time in sync like i.e. VMWare tools do. It only syncs time on VM start, after suspend/resume and after a snapshot is taken, either a manual one or from a backup. You need some ntp/sntp client to keep time synced. Most OS do come with some configured by default.
Thank you, ok, I thought the qemu-guest-agent was keeping time in sync, I checked my distribution, and looks like chrony is typically used by default but in my case I needed to install it. Things are working at the moment, let's see if they keep working over night.
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