From my perspective virtio scsci driver is the key here. Still waiting for any progress from virtio devs. Be free to ping them at the corresponding topic at the github (check the link in messages above)
Some images
First server (active) - noticeable memory leak (I had to drop ARC cache at the end)
Second server (exactly the same but without NFS activity - redundant storage with ZFS replicas)
There is possible memory leak with kernel 6.8.3 and nfs-kernel-server
(Check this thread: )
Same story. After upgrade to pve 8.2 (kernel 6.8.4-3) I’m facing the same memory leak.
Zfs pool with NFS shares and high IO load
(ZFS arc size limited and does not grow up)
Can confirm: kenrel 6.8.4, ksm enabled, numa balancing=1, all kernel mitigations on
Works as expected. No ICMP echo reply time increase, no any other freezes.
I've manage to dedicate 1 node with mitigations=on and single client RDS server (who is working free of charge and should not complaint to much)
So, I'm ready to test new kernel with patch if you provide such
Right now numa balancing has been switched off and RDS server works smoothly...