Recent content by matrix

  1. M

    Change ceph network

    Hi, Yes, you could change the Ceph network by editing the `/etc/pve/ceph.conf`.
  2. M

    Proxmox 7.0 & Huawei oceanstore dorado 3000V6

    Hi, The storage supported in Proxmox VE is listed in this link.
  3. M

    Adding Hosts to Existing Cluster - Versions?

    Yes, but it's recommended to upgrade the existing cluster and then add the new nodes :)
  4. M

    Custer reboot on one node apt upgrade

    by upgrading always use apt dist-upgrade instead of apt upgrade
  5. M

    Mac VM running on proxmox goes to recovery/interactive shell on everyboot

    Hi, Check the Installing macOS Catalina 10.15 on Proxmox 6 using Clover
  6. M

    [SOLVED] New drive /var

    do ls -la on /var/lib/lxcfs/cgroup/memory/user.slice/user-0.slice/session-22.scope/memory.force_empty to see your permissions. but it told you for reading
  7. M

    pveproxy eats available ram

    on my side pveproxy used [Memory: 145.5M]. may you post output of pveversion -v
  8. M

    pveproxy eats available ram

    anyway need reboot the node 1- after upgrade from PVE5 to PVE6 (that is really important) 2- after renew certs after reboot see what say systemctl status pveproxy.service ?
  9. M

    pveproxy eats available ram

    probably you should update the certificates pvecm updatecerts -f than restart pveproxy service
  10. M

    Which directory should I install programs in Ubuntu?

    need to change permission to users group or use sudo
  11. M

    [SOLVED] Automatic restore from a PBS instance

    You could restore the VMs through API or CLI.
  12. M

    [SOLVED] Container with bind mount backup error (unable to parse volume ID)

    what is your PVE version? this post maybe helpful
  13. M

    no network interface found

    What say the screen if you pressed CTRL + ALT + F2