Recent content by hchasens

  1. H

    Is Proxmox 7.latest / 5.13.19-4 fully using the power of the 12th gen Intel CPUs?

    Although not supported... Could I just copy Proxmox's kernel's .config file and use it to compile my own kernel from src? I'm wondering how much the Proxmox kernel is tweaked compared to the normal kernel. It'd be cool to be able to run 6.0.1 or the like, even if it's just for home use.
  2. H

    [SOLVED] Yet Another IOMMU Not Detected Thread

    No problem! I'm glad you solved your issue!
  3. H

    [SOLVED] Yet Another IOMMU Not Detected Thread

    ESXi is a more viable solution with its licensing changes (I still like Proxmox more though). Let's try to work this out. The first step I think would be to figured out which boot loader is being installed by default and stick with that. You mentioned: To clarify, are you reinstalling the...
  4. H

    Error at startup after adding LVM disk

    @Alwin's solution worked for me
  5. H

    [SOLVED] Yet Another IOMMU Not Detected Thread

    Yet Another IOMMU Not Detected Thread This is solved. I was going to post this as a question but I solved it so now I'm posting it so that others will not follow in my footsteps. Here is my story (or just skip to the end for my solution). Hardware: Dell Poweredge R620 48Gigs of registered...