Recent content by ghusson

  1. ghusson

    Proxmox network configuration issue and best practise

    My ideas : Reliability : use several firewalls/routers, with VRRP protocol for example in order to have Active/Passive firewalls. Security : use dedicated cluster servers with low level hardware in order to avoid lateral attackers moves. You are welcome.
  2. ghusson

    Proxmox network configuration issue and best practise

    Nodes shouldn't do any function other than virtualization ( and maybe CEPH storage ). Thus one or several VMs should do routing / firewalling. Be careful with your overlapping networks as it can be dangerous (security) and prone to mistakes in network flow understanding.
  3. ghusson

    NVME correctable errors?

    @abhabitat : you didn't search in the forum, right ? ;)
  4. ghusson

    networks used to determine fencing

    Did you install a 5th node for quorum in case of split ? Is your management network ?
  5. ghusson

    Lost of quorom between each nodes - how to startup in standalone mode

    WARNING : YOU CAN LOOSE DATA, thus backup what you have to before doing this (example : VMs and /etc on each nodes) In order to FORCE local node operations : pvecm expect 1 Then you will have to pay attention to what you are doing in /etc/pve as it won't be synchronized to other hosts.
  6. ghusson

    networks used to determine fencing

    Yes, and I think that your corosync cluster speak on the management traffic. That's why I said it was expected. In order to avoid this, you should add a second ring for corosync on the other switch network.
  7. ghusson

    Need clarification regarding split-brain

    Hello. Just to be precise : in case of no quorum, and if HA is unconfigured, then no host is rebooted and no VM is shutdown. You would simply be unallowed to do any modification on state (configuration, VM stop/start and so on). But if HA is configured and there is no quorum, each node is...
  8. ghusson

    tips on time synchronization and proxmox

    Hello. You could try to install a SNTP client on each VM ?
  9. ghusson

    networks used to determine fencing

    You can read this to understand :
  10. ghusson

    networks used to determine fencing

    Hello. Do you use HA ? If yes, the servers reboot was expected.
  11. ghusson

    Server Console Shell Password

    Conclusion : do not log as root if you think it is inconsistent :-)
  12. ghusson

    Proxmox crashes/best practice for linux bridges

    Indeed it should work. And sadly there is plenty of reasons that can make it crash :-)
  13. ghusson

    Proxmox crashes/best practice for linux bridges

    Hello. The problem could be located to a kernel crash using bridges. But as seen many times in this forum with small form factor units, it rather comes from the processor. Can you try to : - re-enable bridges and reproduce the problem - put a fan on your miniPC in order to cool it well - tell us...