Recent content by Felix.

  1. F

    Full system encryption with network unlock?

    This! Secure Erase is nice and fancy, but only works on somewhat still working disks. o_O Thats why Distributors offer services like KYD (Keep Your Drive) to customers caring about their data (or being legallcy forced to care :rolleyes:) Used LUKS + ZFS years ago, with a thumbdrive connected...
  2. F

    [SOLVED] Suggestions on mirroring boot drives, update! Booting directly from NVMe on older servers.

    USB drives will cause pain for sure, one day or another. And screw SATA DOMs, Proxmox is logging quite a lot. You say you have a proper disk bay available, use that one. Sounds like you are running a Cluster anyway, so I'd recommend to choose a proper Datacenter SSD as Boot Drive and not try...
  3. F

    Mailcow + PMG make sense?

    This assumes a reliable sending mail server that honors certain standards. Feeling better with having the buffer on my side, and I don't have to wait several hours after my own Mail Server is working again, I can directly deliver queued Mails from the PMG UI. I'd disable as much filtering in...
  4. F

    Mailcow + PMG make sense?

    Interested in this as well. Want to ditch Plesk as Mail Server and replace it with Mailcow. When hosting at home, things may break, especially when we play around. PMG is hosted externally and acts as a Queue for incoming mails whenever my Homelab is unavailable, for whatever reasons...
  5. F

    Hard drive strategy

    Ahh, alright, that will be fine for a smooth and fast backup. I initially thought you are backing up over WAN. With some 100gb daily delta the remote syncs should be quick as well. The thing with NVMe is that you need the PCIe lanes, older platforms simply don't provide that many. Best you can...
  6. F

    Hard drive strategy

    So, you have no onsite backup and it backups live over WAN? Or do you have dark fibers there? What is the bandwidth and latency between the datacenters? I'm surprised this works at all without backup jobs failing or machines freezing frequently. Did direct backups over WAN before, but not at...
  7. F

    Hard drive strategy

    Did something like this some time ago, with 8 10TB drives, but using ZFS and dRAID RAID6 and a special device mirror (ab)using the rest of my boot drives, I partitioned them to only use 32gb for the OS. With a little tuning I got very acceptable results in GC and Verify Jobs, but that machine...
  8. F

    Host down after attempting RAM upgrade

    Yep. Most likely a BIOS issue - ram timings / speeds, maybe OC profiles misconfigured. Or simply a hardware issue, depending on the beep codes. Google those beep codes for your board, that should give you a clear hint what is wrong. When your system gets bootable again, like beside being able...
  9. F

    Proxmox and MSA SAS

    Years ago I had to deal with an MSA2050, in my old thread some multipath configs were posted, maybe they help you getting started. Also used SAS controllers. (german though, but the config is probably most relevant part anyway)
  10. F

    [SOLVED] Lostmy Backup?

    Did you try a reboot? I don't remember exactly if there is a cache or something like that, there was some talk about this a while ago. Can you also share some screenshots of your PBS Webinterface, of the datastore view for example?
  11. F

    [SOLVED] Lostmy Backup?

    My point was about the directory not being filled with "a lot" of data, yes, the ton of directories, but not necessarily chunks. I considered the chunkstore containing only the directory tree as "empty", pardon my vague wording there. After he copied the data over, I somewhat expected the size...
  12. F

    Proxmox Storage, Networking, Network Share Questions

    Checkout ebay, there are tons of affordable Enterprise Drives that are in great shape, most of them haven't seen a fraction of the lifetime writes they could handle. Good examples for SATA are Samsung SM863/SM863a. Just saw a SM863a 1.92 TB for 129€ Using those with Proxmox on ZFS, very happy...
  13. F

    [SOLVED] Lostmy Backup?

    1056768 bytes are not a lot at all, especially when PBS creates thousands of directories during datastore creation. Curious is that the size didn't change though. Looks good. File ownership looks good to me now. Can you see your backups in the PBS UI now?
  14. F

    [SOLVED] Lostmy Backup?

    Yep, judging by the size, the .chunks is probably "empty" meaning it only contains the default directories created by PBS on datastore creation. Copy the .chunks directory from your external drive and afterwards fix the file ownership: chown -R backup:backup /path/to/your/datastore
  15. F

    [SOLVED] Lostmy Backup?

    Is that inside your datastore? There should be the .chunks directory. Probably inside the PBS directory? Please show the results when inside that directory.