Recent content by Dunuin

  1. Dunuin

    Wishlist: Bulk editing or syncing of firewall rules/aliases/IP sets/securty groups

    I've got multiple clusters and want to be able to migrate guests between them. This is already possible for some time via "qm remote-migrate" or via backup+restore but after migrating the guest, it's firewall rules won't work any longer unless you make sure each clusters aliases + IP sets +...
  2. Dunuin

    Backup Größe verringern - Vergleich mit TrueNAS

    Ich persönlich bin auch Freund von Raid für alles. Egal ob im Homeserver, GamingPC, Laptop oder was auch immer. Nicht unbedingt, weil ich daheim die permanente Uptime brauche, sondern weil ich einfach zu faul bin da ständig alles von Grund auf neu aufzusetzen und mir dann die Wochenenden mit...
  3. Dunuin

    Storage recommendations for home workload?

    It will become slower. Both ZFS and SSDs in general need free space for full performance. Mixed block sizes (like ext4 in VM writing 4K blocks to a 512B virtio disk to a 16K Zvol), nested filesystems, sync writes that can't be cached without PLP so consumer SSDs won't be able to optimize writes...
  4. Dunuin

    Storage recommendations for home workload?

    Problem isn't the amount of logs but the write amplification. So 50GB of writes (mostly logs and metrics) inside the VMs gets amplified by factor 20 to 1TB of writes to the physical NAND of the SSDs. Also depends how you store your logs. All my metrics and logs gets written to DBs (zabbix with...
  5. Dunuin

    Backup Größe verringern - Vergleich mit TrueNAS

    Alle Daten ALLER Backup Snapshots sind dedupliziert. Du brauchst also alles was der PBS je gespeichert hat. Sprich alle Backups von Allem, also deinen kompletten Datastore-Ordner mit den Millionen über Millionen von Chunk Files in zehntausenden von Unterordnern. Weil Backups von verschiedenen...
  6. Dunuin

    Backup Größe verringern - Vergleich mit TrueNAS

    Ja, das geht prinzipiell. Solange du deinen kompletten Datastore noch fehlerfrei vorliegen hast und du ggf. deinen Encryption Key gesichert sofern Verschlüsselung aktiv ist. Du hast aber echt viel Downtime da erst einmal alles neu aufzusetzen. Auch das Ändern der Ownership von all den Bakup...
  7. Dunuin

    Best way to setup swap partition?

    You don't. I just hope most people are running those servers air-gapped and not to host some webservers. But probably it's more like a case of "never change a running system".
  8. Dunuin

    Best way to setup swap partition?

    Node uptime. See some peoples posts asking for support: Here for example 1264 days of node uptime running kernel 4.13 in 2023 ;)
  9. Dunuin

    Blocksize / Recordsize / Thin provision options

    Why not? Did you test it? Its not uncommon here that I'm able to read/write faster to/from my pool than the hardware would allow. You just need lots of well-compressible data. See for example some LZ4 compression benchmarks: If my SATA protocol can handle 550MB/s but my CPU can decompress with...
  10. Dunuin

    Hardware question

    No experience here with that specific hardware. But as a rule of thumb: If the hardware supports the latest Ubuntu LTS and Debian it should also run PVE. Because PVE is based on Debian but uses the Ubuntu LTS kernel. So you might want to have a look if that servers hardware is on the Ubuntu...
  11. Dunuin

    Best way to setup swap partition?

    One problem might be missing RAM defragmentation when you never swap out data from RAM to disk and later back but reordered/compacted. You might end up with "free" RAM that can't be used because it is too fragmented and then OOM killer kicks in while still having lots of free RAM left that can't...
  12. Dunuin

    No bootable device or remote boot image found

    There is a dedicated storage for virtual disks (so not stored on the failed system disk)? Did you create a backup of your "/etc/pve/qemu-server" folder on your OS disks root filesystem? Or is that PVE server part of a cluster? Or do you have some VZDump/PBS backups of those VMs? Because the VMs...
  13. Dunuin

    [TUTORIAL] If you are new to PVE, read this first; it might assist you with choices as you start your journey

    It's not always about if your data is still there after 10 years. Another question is, if the data is still the same after all those years. Without ECC and some checksumming filesystem like ZFS you will never know how much of your data corrupted over all those years. Lets say you stored 100...
  14. Dunuin

    Blocksize / Recordsize / Thin provision options

    No idea. I personally would have coded it with such an option and also with a MAYBE useful default blocksize preselected depending on the pool layout and number of disks (like TrueNAS does it). Only possible by destroying and recreating that zvol (so for example backup+restore of a VM). 4K is...
  15. Dunuin

    Best way to setup swap partition?

    See the first post where I quoted @wbumiller (one of the PVE staff members): But I never got an answer if this only happens to swap on virtual disks or to swap on physical disks as well.