i configured a template with the ubuntu cloud image
Configured the cloudinit disk, set username and password but can't login with this.
failed to set hashed passwords with...
Hi there,
the last couple days, i am thinking about application high availability.
For example lets take a wordpress page i need follow requirements:
Shared Storage (eq. Shared Space)
I never want a single point of failure so i decited to make a 3 node proxmox ve cluster...
currently i'm testing a restore with pct restore 104 /media/usb/dump/vzdump-lxc-104-2019_09_03-15_28_26.tar.lzo -ignore-unpack-errors 1 -unprivileged -storage data
So you mean i should reinstall my application at a new unprivileged container or can i create a new unprivileged container and copy the configuration file and disk and mount it in the new container?
Regards david
Hi, thanks for reply!
I created the containers in unprivileged mode, reinstalled pve 6.0-6 and restored the container over the cli with pct but no unpriviliged flag (if it exists).
Today i figured out that all of my containers are in privileged mode and i tryed to restore a new backup to a...
Why you doesn't use the backup and restore feature? At a restore you can choose a new storage path.
Regarding the manual copy, maybe you copy the file to the disk? (/dev/pve) and not to the partition, volume at the disk?
Is it possible to configure the pve firewall that a lxc can only reach the internet and no other ip addresses in the same subnet?
i know it from pfsense where i can configure a rule that only counts on a specific gateway.
After i enabled the zfs-import-scan service and reboot the service wont start:
zfs-import-scan.service - Import ZFS pools by device scanning
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/zfs-import-scan.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Condition: start condition...