Recent content by chupakabra

  1. C

    How to backup Proxmox host?

    same here, it looks like its solvable, but with lot of effort.... and it must be discussed in syno forums rather proxmox.
  2. C

    PR0XM0X4LIFE. From bottom to T1/2/3 DC's!

    PR0XM0X4LIFE. From bottom to T1/2/3 DC's!
  3. C

    Zabbix agent config for PVE 8

    Proxmox community is superb! So fast responses! I hope this friday gonna be great for you! :) To the point, im getting api call data, but i had to press disable ssl verification or it wouldnt work! I guess thats the key. Is there any way how to disable ssl check in/for zabbix? EDIT: IT'S...
  4. C

    Zabbix agent config for PVE 8

    Thanks for your answer, but as you can see many guys are getting the same even using your provided tutorial (comment section) I was following this utube video:
  5. C

    Zabbix agent config for PVE 8

    facing the same... even if i grand full access to user and @!apitoken its just not working together with zabbix 7.0 & PVE 8.2.2?