Recent content by 0C0C0C

  1. 0

    Create Backup, not enough local space

    I got expected errors, but the Container was created and not destroyed like in GUI Restore, and it is starting, but because of the used Services inside of the VM i get some problems with mounts and services. extracting archive '/stor-zfs-2tb/test/dump/vzdump-lxc-107-2019_07_27-12_14_28.tar'...
  2. 0

    Create Backup, not enough local space

    Ah shit lol :D you're right... it worked... now i need to test if a restore in shell using "-unprivileged" with "-ignore-unpack-errors 1" is working to get an unprivileged container of the privileged backup.
  3. 0

    Create Backup, not enough local space

    OK it fails completely... tar: ./etc/vzdump/pct.conf: Cannot change ownership to uid 208687, gid 208687: Invalid argument tar: ./etc/vzdump/pct.fw: Cannot change ownership to uid 208687, gid 208687: Invalid argument tar: ./var/spool/postfix/dev/urandom: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted tar...
  4. 0

    Create Backup, not enough local space

    OK backup is done now, but restore on new server fails... extracting archive '/opt/sh2tosh3/dump/vzdump-lxc-107-2019_07_27-12_14_28.tar' tar: -: Cannot open: Permission denied tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now TASK ERROR: unable to restore CT 101 - command 'lxc-usernsexec -m...
  5. 0

    Create Backup, not enough local space

    No, it's possible to chose the CIFS Storage as Backup Target, but when starting a backup, this gets shown: Proxmox uses the local storage (/var/tmp/...) for temporary files, and the local storage has not enough space to create the backup. What i tried now, was changing the /etc/vzdump.conf...
  6. 0

    Create Backup, not enough local space

    I'm trying to move a big Container from an Debian 9 Proxmox 5 System to a new Debian 10 Proxmox 6 System. The Container has a local disk on ZFS and 2 Mount Points on ZFS. When i'm trying to create Backup,i got the problem that i do not have enough local space. I mounted an external Storage...
  7. 0

    Proxmox VE 6.0 released!

    I switched from pvetest to pve-no-subscription, no new Package Updates. My Version is 6.0-4/2a719255, this is the actual final version?
  8. 0

    Proxmox VE 6.0 beta released!

    Ye, sry, i mean CTs not VMs. I missed the Nesting Feature, now it's working. Thanks ;)
  9. 0

    Proxmox VE 6.0 beta released!

    Are there already any working Solutions for the Buster VM Problems? Host with Debian Buster, PVE6 installed using the Repos, create a container with Buster Template, install MariaDB-Server and it won't start. Same problem with other Tools like Dovecot. In MariaDB it can be fixed by commenting...