Survey: Screen size for the Proxmox VE web admin interface?

Screen size for Proxmox VE web interface?

  • 1024x768 (no change)

    Votes: 33 56.9%
  • 1280x1024

    Votes: 22 37.9%
  • 1680x1050

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • other idea (please post)?

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Proxmox Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 28, 2005
Hi all,

Currently our admin interface for Proxmox VE is optimized for 1024x768 but nowadays more or less all admins are working on wide-screens. The wider we get the more info can be displayed on the pages.

What do you think? Please vote!
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I voted no change.
Not all screens I use are that big (laptop and datacenter console for example) and it would be a big annoyance if I had to scroll left and right. Especially because those are the screens that are used in situations when there is a problem and I need to be able to act fast.

As I suggested before, you can use "hover-over" balloons to show all the info you want in the Virtual Machines list for example.
Would it be possible to make the interface more dynamic width-wise and make the content of the sub-items wrap thus making it fit within the browser window at any decent screen resolution (1024x768 or larger).
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nowadays more or less all admins are working on wide-screens.

True, but more or less all admins want to have multiple windows opened on those wide screens concurrently :)

People with Proxmox probably have more than one machine that they want to compare or work on at the same time ...
Personal opinion, interfaces shouldn't be designed with a specific resolution in mind. Web design good practices and all... still, theoretical principles aside, I think you should keep the current resolution. For a few justifications, there's the KVM issue mentioned (happens rarely, it's a web interface after all :D), the fact that sometimes we debug on laptops (and netbooks tend to be my and many people's weapon of choice to carry around from A to B, due to light weight and inexpensiveness) and the third is... you can still cram more info there with the current resolution. Horizontally it can be a prob, but a clever use of CSS hide atributes and onhover + focus properties to simulate "onclick" (no js required) can allow you to cram a lot of info in the smaller screen "on demand", for instance.

Just to make suure the arguments are valid, how much info are we talking about here? In what form (tables, charts, graphics, text)? How much would you gain with a bigger resolution? You are the ones who know what you need space for, if it's justified, just use it. Still, I'm curious...
No change :)

Admin interface is simple and functional and I like the static layout for this application but I use less than two server... on 1920x1200 or 1600x1200 screen resolutions.
Even though I run dual monitors with screen resolution of 1920x1200, I find the PVE interface is pretty uncluttered and simple, so I don't think it would really benefit from using more screen real estate.
Hi all,

Currently our admin interface for Proxmox VE is optimized for 1024x768 but nowadays more or less all admins are working on wide-screens. The wider we get the more info can be displayed on the pages.

What do you think? Please vote!

I don't like a change in the resolution, because with the new nettops the resolution is not that high.

At home I use 1280x1024, of course with a new LCD screen it would become somewhat bigger, but I am not charmed of wide screens.
Isn't it possible to use a extra tab to display more information?
I'm in agreement with most here; keep the 1024x768 res.

Sure, I've got a nice large monitor when I'm in my office. However, when it really matters -- if something goes wrong and I'm not in my office with my huge screen -- I carry a netbook with me. Being able to handle everything from the netbook quickly from anywhere is MUCH more critical to me in terms of usability than having an optimized screen size for my beautiful office setup. :p

Thanks for an awesome product!
I often manage mine from a net book with a 1024 x 600 ish screen and it's easy with the current size. Making it much bigger would envolve a lot of scrolling.

PS. Thanks for a brilliant product. It's by far the best virtulisation tool I've used yet. I love the combination of OpenVZ and KVM with a very nice web based management. 10 out of 10. :p
I think the horizontal extension to an 1280 pixel wide browser window is a reasonable step, since this has become the lowest de facto resolution in notebook land (my notebook is at 1280x800).

I would however not touch the vertical 768 pixels, as many notebooks with a 16:9 aspect ratio are still confined to that (1280x768, 1366x768).
There are a few things that we always "miss" when looking at the panel. For starters, the IPs, if it's a KVM, etc...

Maybe a good compromise could be achieved here using the base layout and width as it is now, and adding an interface that the admin can customize with the fields they would like to see on the listings, thus affecting width with a more fluid template... just a thought.
There are a few things that we always "miss" when looking at the panel. For starters, the IPs, if it's a KVM, etc...

Maybe a good compromise could be achieved here using the base layout and width as it is now, and adding an interface that the admin can customize with the fields they would like to see on the listings, thus affecting width with a more fluid template... just a thought.

I agree with most of the views, the current interface is fine, however, this request seems perfectly reasonable. If you want more info, add the column, if you don't there is no change.

After reading through this, perhaps my statement about netbooks and console screen size are mis-spoken (see my thread on the matter).
It depends, are you going to change it for the sake of changing it, or add info to it like VM network traffic graphs, disk access info and stuff along those lines? I personally use 1440x900 on my macbook pro but have a 24" LCD monitor at work.


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