PVE 5.1 Network Drops (ASRock ep2c602-4l)


Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
Hello, I have been having some issues with my PVE setup recently.

I thought my server was crashing because I would lose access to all my VMs & the ProxMox web GUI, but when I managed to check the console redirect through my IPMI I saw that PVE was still running as normal.

So from this, I have concluded that the network service is dropping for some reason because restarting the server restored my connection to the ProxMox web GUI but now any of my running VMs.
I had to console into the VMs and shut them down so I could reboot and restore normal network operations.

My motherboard is the ASRock ep2c602-4l/d16 and I'm not using any 3rd party NICs, just the Intel® 82574L Gigabit Ethernet Controller that is on my motherboard.
I'm currently using 4 of the 6 available ethernet ports if that helps any.

I don't think the issue is being caused by the motherboard itself because the ASRock Rack IMPI is still accessible, and should be inaccessible if it was caused by the motherboard.
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Please provide also kernel.log/syslog and any other information like network configuration, storage, etc.


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