How to do something after backup finish?

Hello, i have zfs storage for backups and i want to take the snapshot on it after backup finished via ssh "zfs snapshot".
Is there any way to do this?
see here
man vzdump
       Global configuration is stored in /etc/vzdump.conf.

        tmpdir: DIR
        dumpdir: DIR
        storage: STORAGE_ID
        mode: snapshot|suspend|stop
        bwlimit: KBPS
        ionize: PRI
        lockwait: MINUTES
        stopwait: MINUTES
        size: MB
        maxfiles: N
        [B]script: FILENAME[/B]
        exclude-path: PATHLIST

       You can specify a hook script with option "--script". [B]This script is called at various phases[/B] of the backup process, with parameters accordingly set. You can
       find an example in the documentation directory ("").

and here
cat /usr/share/doc/pve-manager/examples/
No, it does not fit.
The script runs on vzdump stages, that is, when backup of each machine, and I would like to make a snapshot of the end of the backup process.
At least someting like "0 21 * * 5 root vzdump 101 102 105 106 108 110 113 116 117 118 119 --quiet 1 --mode snapshot --mailto root@blablabla --compress lzo --storage storage && /usr/local/sbin/" in /etc/pve/vzdump.cron


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