[SOLVED] Console seems to have broken on 5.2-7


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
Hi all,

The title says it all. When attempting to connect to the console via web-interface, I get a blank screen with a cursor. I'm currently using Firefox. The console worked just fine in 5.2-6. Connecting to the node via ">_Shell" works just fine.

Syslog around the time I tried to connect:
Aug 20 13:29:19 Wash pmxcfs[1767]: [status] notice: received log
Aug 20 13:29:21 Wash pmxcfs[1767]: [status] notice: received log
Aug 20 13:29:21 Wash sshd[12677]: Accepted publickey for root from port 42910 ssh2: RSA SHA256:dARezFkLlMtEphuYXUroMJcaK6TP4DDKU8hS4fnf8ks
Aug 20 13:29:21 Wash sshd[12677]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Aug 20 13:29:21 Wash systemd-logind[907]: New session 36 of user root.
Aug 20 13:29:21 Wash systemd[1]: Started Session 36 of user root.
Aug 20 13:29:26 Wash sshd[12677]: Received disconnect from port 42910:11: disconnected by user
Aug 20 13:29:26 Wash sshd[12677]: Disconnected from port 42910
Aug 20 13:29:26 Wash sshd[12677]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root
Aug 20 13:29:26 Wash systemd-logind[907]: Removed session 36.
Aug 20 13:29:26 Wash pmxcfs[1767]: [status] notice: received log

Steps I have tried:
  • Clear browser history/cache
  • Tried IE and Chrome
  • Attempted to SSH from node console to add SSH key
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Same problem for me.

Edit: As a workaround, connecting via lxc-attach is still working. e.g. lxc-attach 102 from the host shell.
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your screenshot1 shows the host console

your screenshot2 shows a container console, where it can be necessary to press 'enter' or another key once to actually get output (because the container already sent a console output which nobody captured)

your screenshot1 shows the host console

your screenshot2 shows a container console
Which is what he wrote: Host console (">_Shell") works fine, container console does not.

Pressing Enter in the container console does not solve it. Like i wrote: This worked in 5.2-6 and stopped working in 5.2-7.
can you post the container config?
can you post the container config?
Not sure how this could help - i am running 200+ containers on this cluster. All their consoles stopped working after updating to pve-manager 5.2-7.

Here you go:

cat /etc/pve/nodes/pmx02/lxc/10271.conf
arch: amd64
cores: 2
hostname: dd-apollo13
memory: 4096
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr000,gw=XXXXXXXX,hwaddr=9A:80:43:F4:70:F8,ip=XXXXXXX/32,type=veth
ostype: ubuntu
rootfs: ceph-lxc:vm-10271-disk-1,size=40G
searchdomain: schinzel.org
swap: 256
did you shutdown and start the container after installing the package?
did you shutdown and start the container after installing the package?
That did the trick, thanks!

So solution for now is
  1. add
    deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve stretch pvetest
    to your
  2. Code:
    apt-get update ; apt-get install lxc-pve=3.0.2+pve1-1
  3. shutdown and restart all containers
  4. remove pvetest from sources.list again ;)
Thanks again :)
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Reactions: fireon and Elfy
Did you already updated your Nodes to the latest version? If not, try this first.
Did you already updated your Nodes to the latest version? If not, try this first.


Yes I did, as mentioned above. I noticed my web ui update to "Virtual Environment 5.3-8" from 5.3-7 after doing the above.



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