zpool export command does not return


Renowned Member
Sep 21, 2015
Hello Forum,

im experiencing issues while exporting zfs pools, the "zpool export" command dies, blocking all following zfs/zpool operations.

In several smaller proxmox Installations I use external usb discs for replicating the local zfs pools. This worked fine for years but now zpool dies on exporting the backup pool after a backup done with simplesnap.

I have read about the fixes for the export/umount issues but it looks like there are some bugs remaining.

At the first customer i can reproduce the problems with only one of the backup drives.
Both backup drives were created a really long time ago and i upgraded the pools several times over the last years.
Before the export there are several steps that could keep the pool busy: expiring old snapshots etc.

This ist the relevant part of my script:

# fremde snapshots löschen
zfs list -t snap -o name | grep -E "^$pool.*@__simplesnap_.*" | grep -v "_"$pool"_" | xargs -r -n 1 /sbin/zfs destroy

# alte snapshots löschen
zfSnap -d "$pool"

simplesnap --local --host localhost --setname "$pool" --store "$pool/simplesnap"

# sind alle snapshots aktuell?
simplesnap --check "2 days ago" --setname "$pool" --store "$pool/simplesnap"

zpool export $pool

Kernel and zfsutils are up to date:

prompt# uname -a
Linux proxmox-jj 4.15.18-5-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-24 (Thu, 13 Sep 2018 09:15:10 +0200) x86_64 GNU/Linux
prompt# apt-cache policy zfsutils-linux
Installed: 0.7.11-pve1~bpo1

I have not recreated the backup pools until now, this would be my next step.
Does anyone experience similar issues?

Best Regards
André Hermbusch