What is taking up space on Local?


Active Member
Nov 16, 2018
I recently installed Proxmox on a single node for a home lab running on an Intel NUC7. I am impressed by how well things are working and am really happy to have migrated from ESXi 5.5 to Proxmox.
I am still learning a lot and have become a frequent visitor of this forum for information.

One question I did not find an answer for is this: What is actually taking up the space on my Local drive?
Notice it is Local and not Local-LVM.
Currently 60% of the space is used (22.77GB of 36.17GB).
If I look under Content for the storage it just tells me I have the virtio-win ISO file that takes up about 300mb.
So, what is taking up the rest of the 22GB on this storage?

I just did a 'standard installation' and don't remember changing anything. Looking under Summary I can see Type is Directory. Content is VZDump backup file, ISO image, Container Template.
What I did do, was installing Proxmox several times to learn about the system. I was under the impression the storage was formatted each time, but I don't know if that is correct.
Is there some way I can 'browse' the contents of Local or see a list of what is in there?
All virtual machines are (should be) stored in other storage and if I view the content of these drives this is confirmed.

I hope the above makes sense :-) If you need additional information please let me know.
Thank you in advance.

OK, I found that I could browse the Local folder by /var/lib/vz/
Apparently there is nothing special hiding in there besides my virtio ISO file.
My best guess is that the Proxmox installation is taking up the rest of the space on this partition then.
you can try 'du -h /' to see which folder take up how much space
another nice tool for this is 'ncdu'