Sure, we just need to find someone to do that work (or who pay for that work).
Seems fair
While i sadly don't have the skill to package that, i found a way to extract images from a vma.lzo archive on a standard debian wheezy installation.
My guess was that i could take the vma binary to another machine (in my case debian 7.0 minimal) and install all dependencies that vma might need.
Here's what i've done:
- Add the pve repo (i think it's needed for a custom libiscsi1 package and for librbd1):
echo deb " wheezy pve" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
wget -O- "" | apt-key add -
- Copy the vma binary from a pve host (its located in /usr/bin/vma)
scp root@pvehost:/usr/bin/vma /usr/local/bin
- Install some dependencies:
aptitude install libglib2.0-0 libiscsi1 librbd1 libaio1 lzop
- Some dependencies maybe not needed but i installed them, because i thought that would fix a problem i stumbled upon as i at this stage executed the copied vma binary
So if you encounter some problems by invoking the binary, try with the following packages installed:
aptitude install open-iscsi qemu gcc-4.7
- Then i copied a vma.lzo backup archive to my test machine
- I extracted first the lzo archive:
lzop -d vzdump-qemu-111-2013_06_12-11_43_15.vma.lzo
- This gives you the vma archive vzdump-qemu-111-2013_06_12-11_43_15.vma
- extract the vma by invoking:
vma extract vzdump-qemu-111-2013_06_12-11_43_15.vma -v /test/lala
This creates the folder lala (in the preexisting /test folder) with the config file in it and i my case the backed up raw file
To check the outcome i mounted the first partition of the raw file and so far it looks good

All files seem to be where they should be and on my PVE testhost it booted fine

Of course you could pipe the outcome of lzop -d to vma, but i haven't tried that.