Hi everyone, I had an error from the replication scheduler regarding a VM. The scenario that in my opinion caused the error in the replication job was generated by a snapshot that at the end of the test I reported in rollback conditions and then canceled. I noticed that the snapshot remained active on the share of the other node. I had to manually delete the snapshot manually residing on the replica volume and create a new replica job. I ask if it is correct to be able to take snapshots on a VM in replica 15 / mn or something has gone wrong. Thanks
Dec 29 18:53:03 pve pvesr[565]: 103-0: got unexpected replication job error - command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export zshare:vm-103-disk-0 zfs - -with-snapshots 1 -snapshot __replicate_103-0_1609264380__ | /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pve3' root@ -- pvesm import zshare:vm-103-disk-0 zfs - -with-snapshots 1 -allow-rename 0' failed: exit code 255
Dec 29 18:53:03 pve pvesr[565]: 103-0: got unexpected replication job error - command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export zshare:vm-103-disk-0 zfs - -with-snapshots 1 -snapshot __replicate_103-0_1609264380__ | /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pve3' root@ -- pvesm import zshare:vm-103-disk-0 zfs - -with-snapshots 1 -allow-rename 0' failed: exit code 255
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