VLAN or not?


New Member
Feb 13, 2019
Hi guys,

I have the below setup in my home:

LAN 1 | LAN 2 (Wifi)
Switch | Switch
eth1 ___ eth2
[Opnsense server]

I want to have LAN 1 and LAN 2 separate, so no client or wifi devices from LAN 2 can communicate with LAN 1.

Should I be putting LAN 1 and LAN 2 on different subnets or should I also be putting them on different VLANs too?

Also do I need to have a firewall rules to prevent LAN 1 and LAN 2 to communicate or would the Subnets take care of that?

Lastly, how do I prevent clients on LAN 2 from communicating with each other?

As I have some chinese devices that connect to internet on LAN 2, and I prefer it not being able to reach any other devices pr computers on LAN 1 or LAN 2.

Any advice? Thanks.

(Note: apologies for diagram, I am new and it won't let me post any links)
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