[SOLVED] Viewing Failed Login attempts


Jul 14, 2006
Saskatoon, SK
Hi everyone.
Can someone point me in the direction of a log that records logins to the PMG interface (Failed and successful).
Hoping it also records the IP address of the login attempts.

for failed only you can use the general /var/log/daemon.log, where you will see failed logins like:
Apr 28 07:39:18 mg6dev pmgdaemon[1302]: authentication failure; rhost= user=root@pam msg=...

It is almost identical to how Proxmox VE logs this, so you could reuse its wiki for fail2ban, if you want something like that:

For successful logins you can use the API proxy log, and scan for POST requests to /api2/extjs/access/ticket or /api2/json/access/ticket to observe new ticket creations. The log is located at /var/log/pmgproxy/pmgproxy.log (and log-rotated monthly, so older versions are archived for 12 months).

# grep all tries, successful or failed:
grep -P 'POST /api2/[^/]+/access/ticket' /var/log/pmgproxy/pmgproxy.log

# grep only successful tries (HTTP response code 200 (OK))
grep -P '"POST /api2/[^/]+/access/ticket HTTP/[\d.]+" 200' /var/log/pmgproxy/pmgproxy.log

There you've got all information relevant for a basic audit: date, IP, API path and HTTP method.
/var/log/daemon.log does not exist in my proxmox 8.0.4
You can get the same information from the system journal - see `man journalctl`

But PMG should still have rsyslog installed - and in the default configuration it should still log to daemon.log - could you please share:
* /etc/rsyslog/rsyslog.conf
* dpkg -l |grep syslog