Undelete data from ZFS pool


Active Member
Jun 2, 2019
I have dedicated HDD for file share.

It is a ZFS type and on the proxmox host under Disks I see it as :

Device: /dev/sdb
Type: HDD
Usage: ZFS
GPT: Yes

In command line it is pool "data":

# zfs list
data 874M 898G 852M /data
rpool 65.7G 49.6G 104K /rpool
rpool/ROOT 58.0G 49.6G 120K /rpool/ROOT
rpool/ROOT/pve-1 20.4G 49.6G 20.4G /
rpool/ROOT/subvol-105-disk-0 755M 7.27G 744M /rpool/ROOT/subvol-105-disk-0
rpool/ROOT/vm-140-disk-0 26.5G 49.6G 25.3G -
rpool/data 96K 49.6G 96K /rpool/data
rpool/swap 7.44G 50.6G 6.35G -

Then in a samba container, I created a "disk" from proxmox GUI that is using almost the whole space and mounted it under /home. Everything was fine for few months

However I accidentally clicked on remove disk under CT/Resources.. twice (sleepy, thinking it is a different CT)

Is there a command to undelete the data?

I managed to create ZFS pol on that disk but I do not know more about ZFS. I expected I will have some better protection..but never expected a s**t like this.

I do have file-level backup, just that file permission will give me extra work
Restore was successful.

Maybe the second confirmation window should force you to wait 10 seconds before giving you the option to delete, use red letters etc.