Requirements for 5 VM (Win10)


New Member
Apr 16, 2019
Is a processor like the AMD Ryzen 7 1700x with 32Go of RAM capable of running 5 VM under Windows 10 64bits. I'm using management and accounting software ? Thnx :)
That's decent CPU power for what you are doing.

The RAM isn't too bad either. That's about 6GB per VM. As long as you're only running a couple of light apps on each VM they shouldn't start swapping to disk.

Be sure that you have decent disk IO. SSD would be ideal. Spinning rust will feel slow with Windows ... especially when you have to reboot or patch W10.

Be sure that you have decent disk IO. SSD would be ideal. Spinning rust will feel slow with Windows ... especially when you have to reboot or patch W10.

In fact I'v planned 4x SSD Crucial BX500 240Go RAID10 (zfs) resulting in 480Go large enough for my needs.

Thnx for your answer