Hello, community.
Cause of running PVE node from ramfs lxc containers not starting (VMs - ok.)
arch: amd64
cores: 1
hostname: a
memory: 512
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr1,hwaddr=A6:5B:35:4B:2C:85,ip6=auto,tag=6,type=veth
ostype: alpine
rootfs: local:101/vm-101-disk-0.raw,size=512M
swap: 512
Starting with debug:
lxc-start -F -n 101 --logfile 101.log --logpriority=DEBUG
debug attached.
Regards, dale.
Cause of running PVE node from ramfs lxc containers not starting (VMs - ok.)
arch: amd64
cores: 1
hostname: a
memory: 512
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr1,hwaddr=A6:5B:35:4B:2C:85,ip6=auto,tag=6,type=veth
ostype: alpine
rootfs: local:101/vm-101-disk-0.raw,size=512M
swap: 512
Starting with debug:
lxc-start -F -n 101 --logfile 101.log --logpriority=DEBUG
debug attached.
Regards, dale.