We have finished a upgrade from PVE 6.4 to PVE 7.0 succesfully, after the update we would like to migrate some backups with rsync from old server lxc container to new server container.. (network is bridged to containers not routed)
We created a ssh public key on old server
Transferring the public key to the new server gives a connection timeout (SSH is accepted in firewalls on new server)
#ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (<= new server ip)
We login to the new server PVE 7.0 Gui, and remove the MAC address from the container we would like to copy the ssh key to
so the MAC address is set empty (auto) and after that we save the config, the container received a new MAC address.
and we can copy the SSH key and login with SSH direct without any problems.
Why do I need to change the MAC Address first? what is causing this connection timeout?
second issue
We also have some nameservers in LXC containers that give timeouts too (only on ipv6) is this also caused by the same issue?
We created a ssh public key on old server
Transferring the public key to the new server gives a connection timeout (SSH is accepted in firewalls on new server)
#ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (<= new server ip)
We login to the new server PVE 7.0 Gui, and remove the MAC address from the container we would like to copy the ssh key to
so the MAC address is set empty (auto) and after that we save the config, the container received a new MAC address.
and we can copy the SSH key and login with SSH direct without any problems.
Why do I need to change the MAC Address first? what is causing this connection timeout?
second issue
We also have some nameservers in LXC containers that give timeouts too (only on ipv6) is this also caused by the same issue?