[SOLVED] PVE 5.2.10 cifs can not see directories starting with exclamation mark

Petr Svacina

Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2018

If I mount any windows share (Windows 2008-2012) to the PVE 5.2.10 with latest PVE kernel and on the share is ANY directory starting with exclamation mark, so this directory (!TEST for example) is not seen, accessible from the PVE. Simply missing.
If I do the mount by command line by a mount.cifs the same results.

If I do this mount on any other Debian 9.5 or 9.6 with original detain kernel directories are accessible.

So I suppose this is a bug / feature to not show the directories starting with the exclamation mark.

Or I am missing something :-)

Thanks for the help.
Just to be sure:
* you cannot see the directory in the WebGUI or
* you cannot see the directory on the shell (by `ls /mountpoint/directory/`)?
I do not care about GUI.

I need under proxmox environment to have a cifs mount and in this cifs mount the directories starting with '!" are missing ....
So I can not see the directory on the shell ...

You can try yourself. Bring PVE 5.2.10 up, mount ANY windows share by command line (mount.cifs) or by PVE GUI and you will not be able to see ANY directory starting with the '!" on the share, even If you are create one ....

CORRECTION: direrctrory is hidden, so is accessible by midnight commander or: cd /mnt/pve/some-mount/!test

Is there somewhere in the environment proxmox profile directories started with the exclamation mark marked as hidden ?
I found the problem ...

In the PVE server I have to post this options to the mount.cifs: vers=1.0

So config must be looks like this:

cifs: backup
path /mnt/pve/backup
share VMData
content backup
username anna
smbversion 1

To see the directories starting with the exclamation mark.