I installed Proxmox 8 and then created two local area networks, one named "vwan" with DHCP enabled in a VLAN called "lan" for the local network. DHCP is provided by PFSENSE. The PFSENSE VM obtains an IP address of via DHCP on the "vwan" (Proxmox DHCP), and the Proxmox Backup Server VM has an IP of assigned via Proxmox DHCP as well. However, I am unable to access PFSENSE or the Proxmox Backup Server directly.
PBS is on the Vwan network to have direct access, the other VMs will be under PFSENSE so I need to grant direct access to PBS and PFSENSE
PBS is on the Vwan network to have direct access, the other VMs will be under PFSENSE so I need to grant direct access to PBS and PFSENSE
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