pmgsh get /statistics/mail concept


Active Member
Aug 28, 2019

i don't understand the API statistics concept. :(

Now = 1569500365

So: " pmgsh get /statistics/mail -starttime 1569500365 " should be zero. But it isn't :(.

I would like to see the mail statistic for last five minutes. So 1569500365 - 300, but it show the same data.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for help.
for that purpose this api endpoint is probably not the right one as the resolution is though for daily/monthly/yearly statistics

but check the '/statistics/recent' endpoint, i believe this is more what you want
for that purpose this api endpoint is probably not the right one as the resolution is though for daily/monthly/yearly statistics

but check the '/statistics/recent' endpoint, i believe this is more what you want

Thanks for quick answer.

That's looks like what I need, but maybe to many informations :)

pmgsh get /statistics/recent -hours 1 -timespan 300

The last element in array is what I need.

Is there a way to get only statistic for last five minutes?

The API Viewer is great ;)