No profit organization - request license type: " non profit's "


New Member
Jul 6, 2021
Good morning,

I asked proxmox by mail (office@..) if they have discounted licenses for use as a non-profit organization; I was told to use it without a license, it's legal this thing?

my current question is the following:

- proxmox provides discounted non-profit organization licenses?

(Thank you all, I hope to be useful to other people as well)


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Proxmox will work with full features and for a unlimited time even if you don't got a subscription.

You will be missing ticket support and access to the better tested enterprise repository. But the free no-subscription repository is also stable and isn't missing any packages. And the free support here in the forums is great too.

Did you see the community subscription? That is basically the cheap license for people who want to support the Proxmox Team but can't pay that much because they are just running a private homeserver. With it you will be missing the ticket support and remote login support but get access to the enterprise repository. With 90€ per socket per year it is way cheaper than the electricity bill for the server.
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Why would you think it's illegal if the company who "sells" the software tells you you can use the software without a license? :confused:
Note that Proxmox Server Solutions neither sells Proxmox VE, nor any other software, and also does not sells licenses in general. The software projects are all licensed under the AGPLv3 free software license, or GFDL for our documentation, which terms apply in any case, subscription or not.

Proxmox Server Solution sells support subscriptions for enterprise support and/or access to the production-ready enterprise package repository, but there's no extra software features in there, albeit having more stable updates, with any bigger regression already ironed out is naturally good to have in any production setup.
You are right, could have been more precise in my comment. But your comment leaves no room for misinterpretation. :)
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thanks a lot to everyone, (I ask to be sure).

- with regard to the subscription, there are specific subscriptions for non-profit organizations?