Hi there.
I got myself a new server with 4xSSD hardware Raid10 on it.
I've just installed latest Proxmox and everything seem to work, however PM web-console sessions seem to expire quite often.
I'm unable to finish uploading larger ISO's (session breaks during upload).
I get the: invalid pve ticket 401 error - then I need to log in againd.
Logs also keep popping:
Any ideas?
I've also installed another PM last week with no issues like that...
PS. No VM's set up yet...
I got myself a new server with 4xSSD hardware Raid10 on it.
I've just installed latest Proxmox and everything seem to work, however PM web-console sessions seem to expire quite often.
I'm unable to finish uploading larger ISO's (session breaks during upload).
I get the: invalid pve ticket 401 error - then I need to log in againd.
Logs also keep popping:
RRDC update error
RRD update error
Full example chunk:
Mar 30 12:19:15 XXXXXX pmxcfs[1412]: [status] notice: RRDC update error /var/lib/rrdcached/db/pve2-storage/XXXXXX/local-lvm: -1
Mar 30 12:19:15 XXXXXX pmxcfs[1412]: [status] notice: RRD update error /var/lib/rrdcached/db/pve2-storage/XXXXXX/local-lvm: /var/lib/rrdcached/db/pve2-storage/XXXXXX/local-lvm: illegal attempt to update using time 1585563555 when last update time is 1585567977 (minimum one second step)
Any ideas?
I've also installed another PM last week with no issues like that...
PS. No VM's set up yet...