migrated Windows 10 guest starts only 1 time

Jan Novak

New Member
Jun 28, 2016
Hi Forum,

I had migrated a windows 10 guest from hyper-v, vhdx->vhd-> qcow2 (or raw. same result).
in proxmox i set the BIOS to ovmf (without that, the vm don't boot (or find) the Disk).

At the first start, windows is booting and running well without problems.

After a reboot, Windows boots always in the repair mode. I cannot continue to boot it up or to repair it with the repair options.
The log tells me "Der Startmanager konnte das Ladeprogramm für das Betriebssystem nicht finden" ~ "The boot manager could not find the loader program for the operating system".

I have try some ufei bios options or other controller options, no result.
The VM also does not boot the HD with other proxmox options then IDE.

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Thanks for your hint.
if i boot with seabios from Windows10 DVD Iso, then the installer starts but the (qcow) harddisc will not be found - i have also try to seach then for drivers at the proxmox iso with virt io - no one found).

If i boot with uefi bios, then the windows installer doesent start, the system cannot boot from DVD. I get this error:
Windows bot manager
Windows failed to start ... (blah blah)
File: \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD
Status: 0xc000000d
Info: The boot configuration data for your pc is missing or contains errors.
ESC=UEFI Firmware settings

This looks not like, that the windows installer has start, it seems to be the output of the UEFI Bios.

So... this system cannot boot a windows10? (i have at home another proxmox system and it rund windows10 without problems!).

OK, first problem is solved: i can start now from CD with uefi Bios enabled. The cd was broken :-( But the problem with the VM still exists.
After a first run the machine loops always to the "repair" option at boot.
