[SOLVED] How to move the subscription key from 3.4 to 4.0

Jan 13, 2016


We have 6 subscription keys here for 6 nodes which are running under pve 3.4 (only OpenVZ VPS).
We've waited until now to upgrade to pve 4.0 because of the needed OpenVZ to LXC migration.

So now, we have one of our former v3.4 node upgraded to v4.0 and our first containers are migrated to LXC.
We want to re-use this node subscription key as it is still the same physical server.

I copied the valid key from the v3.4 and pasted it in the 4.0 environment on the same upgraded node and just sent it.
I get the message "Invalid Server ID".

I waited for 2 hours, I asked for a check, but nothing happens, it's still quoted as "invalid"

What did I do wrong please ?
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Each key can be activated only once. If you want to activate a key again, you need to "re-issue" the key first.

If you purchased directly on shop.maurer-it.com, you can do this in your client area, if you purchased via another reseller, contact this reseller.