Download vm disk to my local computer disk


New Member
Nov 23, 2017
¿Why is so difficult to copy a "vm-xxx-disk-0" from any proxmox storage to my computer like you can do in vmware ?
We can Upload any iso without any problem from my computer to the Proxmox storage, but if i need to copy/move a disk I need to make a backup and then use scp ore something else to do this job.
What if i do not have free space to do the backup or if a have a large disk on an isci storage ?
This depends on what format is used, e.g. with qcow2 you could do that. Most block based storages do have some convenient ways to copy you disk to another destination, like ZFS replication. You can do your backup to a network storage as well, so no need to have that much free space on your host.

I'm curious about the need of copy/paste of a disk to your computer, why would you do that? I mean till now I never copied a disk to my local client, because as you said you can backup the VM and restore without any problem you can even move disks between different storage types in your cluster without a hassle, so what's the point with it?