Cpanel requires NetworkManager off , but after reboot i loose network on VM


Renowned Member
Dec 26, 2012
I have Proxmox 5.4-6 with 6 lxc with centos7 and debians, working fine several months.


I have now installed VM with Centos 7 and configured fine and works excellent following this tutorial:

But as Cpanel requires to Disable Network Manager to work , so i did. I installed Cpanel, but after reboot i lost network.

I read a lot but it says about But im not sure about changing this , as i can affect my other LXC working fine, am i right ?

Cpanel Staff sayd:

I'm not seeing anything obvious in the configuration to cause issues. I'd be curious to find out if the network.service is running or not, and whether there are any errors from the bootup process logged in /var/log/messages or dmesg.

NetworkManager is properly disabled, network.service is enabled to start on boot under multi-user mode, and the system is configured to boot into so that should be all set. The ifcfg-eth0 file seems to be set up properly as well, with ONBOOT=yes being set.

It is also possible that there is a configuration that needs to be adjusted on the node, but we have no method of checking that.

Why my Centos7-VM with Networkmanager works fine but it loose internet after I disabled and reboot ?
Isn't it `networking.service`? Did you log into console and check your services? `ip a && ip r` ?
FYI, `ip r` is anologous to `route` and `route` will be depreciated in the future. Nevertheless, for some reason, your default route isn't being created. You can manually create it and then investigate why it's missing. I don't have CentOS box right now, something seems to failing. You might want to `systemctl status networking.service` for failures. Or `systemctl list-units --state=failed`. AFAIK, you can't add a default gateway if it's not reachable. Lastly, with NetworkManager, did you configure the IPv4 settings manually or DHCP?