Here is a little script to build out a CentOS 7.4 minimal image to be cloud-init compatible and allow SSH via text password.
Obviously at your own risk, This is for testing purposes.
Obviously at your own risk, This is for testing purposes.
echo "********************************************************************************"
echo ""
echo "Installing Cloud-Init."
echo ""
echo "********************************************************************************"
yum -y install cloud-init
sleep 5
echo "********************************************************************************"
echo ""
echo "Allowing SSH PW Login"
echo ""
echo "********************************************************************************"
cd /etc/cloud/
sed -i '/ssh_pwauth: 0/c\ssh_pwauth: 1' cloud.cfg
echo "********************************************************************************"
echo ""
echo "Done!"
echo ""
echo "Add Cloudinit drive in GUI + Convert to template!"
echo ""
echo "********************************************************************************"
sleep 5