Cloud-init: users and password's not matching


Active Member
Feb 19, 2017
I create the KVM machine from template and attach the Cloud-init image with my settings.
The problem is: username and password which i put. its doesn't allow me login to system.
The IP settings is works fine.

Do you know whats problem can cause?
Which distribution did you use? Depending on the distribution different things don't (or barely) work, even Ubuntu has its problems although setting username and password should work on Ubuntu (18.04 and later).
i tried 2 different distributions.
1. Centos 7.2 x64
2. Ubuntu Bionic x64
Both of them have probem with root preinstalled password on cloud-init settings.
IP settings working ok.
Ubuntu 18.04 should work, you can even overwrite the root password. Maybe root login is disallowed? (see /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg if you manage to login)
I am trying connect via client SSH. Its says Permission denied (publickey). Its possible to make without publickey ?
You will have to allow it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and if it's root allow root login in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. If you have a key, simply use the GUI to add your public key in the cloud-init menu.
It's the same as your VM name (see VM -> Options)