so I've read the docs a few times and ran pve5to6 and as expected got this:
our important vm's are running on ceph storage .
My questions:
Is it OK to make the two changes to ceph.conf while still running Luminous ? [ I am 99% sure that the changes can be made.]
Should I shut down all virtual machines which are using ceph before the upgrade?
INFO: checking Ceph config..
WARN: No 'mon_host' entry found in ceph config.
It's recommended to add mon_host with all monitor addresses (without ports) to the global section.
PASS: 'ms_bind_ipv6' not enabled
WARN: [global] config section contains 'keyring' option, which will prevent services from starting with Nautilus.
Move 'keyring' option to [client] section instead.
our important vm's are running on ceph storage .
My questions:
Is it OK to make the two changes to ceph.conf while still running Luminous ? [ I am 99% sure that the changes can be made.]
Should I shut down all virtual machines which are using ceph before the upgrade?