Boot VM on vlan = Proxmox crash?


Active Member
Dec 11, 2017
Hey peeps,

Tried to google this but not sure on exactly what to look for so if this has been mentioned please help me find it.

Huawei 10G switch
Supermicro Pfsense firewall
Supermicro CTO Super Server (4 servers in 1 chassie)
one 2x10G card in use on each server (only 1 10g link on each card currently)
1G firewalled IMPI for each server.

Just wanted to boot a Opnsense VM with dual nicks, each one with tagged vlans, first i forgot to add the second nick so i know the vm managed to boot successfully first, turned it off and then added the nick and to my surprise the entire Proxmox server ("proxmox 2") crashed and rebooted. Actually this is not the first time it happened but this time I've understood what happened.

When the interface enp5s0f0 want to add vlan 1340 it fails which leads to a crash later on.

ug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 corosync[1738]: notice [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming new configuration.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 corosync[1738]: [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming new configuration.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.481153] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.685175] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.889206] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159762.093217] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159762.093243] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Failed to bring up the adapter
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159762.093304] device enp5s0f0.1340 entered promiscuous mode

I've attached the most relevant from the syslog.

What part have I fucked up? Is it necessary to pre define and configure vlantags for the network cards or should I have done it in any other way?

After the crash then the Vlan is configured on the interface:

vmbr0v1340: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
ether 00:c0:dd:21:a3:74 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

Thanks for any suggestions.



  • crash-log.txt
    13.3 KB · Views: 3
Last edited:
Aug 16 23:02:23 proxmox2 kernel: [1159759.242552] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Link is down.
Aug 16 23:02:23 proxmox2 kernel: [1159759.242587] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Clearing MAC address
Aug 16 23:02:24 proxmox2 kernel: [1159759.342522] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:24 proxmox2 kernel: [1159759.441773] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:24 proxmox2 kernel: [1159759.649121] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:24 proxmox2 kernel: [1159759.853114] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:24 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.057110] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:24 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.261125] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.465129] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.669143] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.670918] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Failed to load CQICB.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.670941] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Failed to start rx ring[0].
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.670962] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Unable to initialize adapter.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.770242] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159760.869517] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.073178] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:25 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.277182] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 corosync[1738]: notice [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming new configuration.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 corosync[1738]: [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming new configuration.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.481153] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.685175] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159761.889206] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159762.093217] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Command not supported by firmware.
Aug 16 23:02:26 proxmox2 kernel: [1159762.093243] qlge 0000:05:00.0 enp5s0f0: Failed to bring up the adapter
Check if the NICs firmware and driver module is up-to-date.

/* Set up the rx ring control block and pass it to the chip.
 * The control block is defined as
 * "Completion Queue Initialization Control Block", or cqicb.
Taken from the qlogic kernel code.
Thank you very much, I read your post same day but been quite busy to get back to it.

Obviously I became word blind and didn't catch the errmsgs properly.

Unfortunately it looks like the firmware upgrade isn't that easy to do on my systems so need to put some time for that.

Thanks again :)


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