Seems like the error message could be improved on. Maybe with a suggestion of memory values to pick. The memory size input field has up and down arrows to increase or decrease the memory in 32 byte intervals. Can we make these arrows suggest working values?
Is there a chart or graph show the...
I am still having this problem on PVE 8.3.2.
My max_mem_regions is set to 509 in vhost.conf. What should it be changed to?
I need hotplug and 64 GiB of memory. Is setting max_mem_regions the answer? I know 65 GB works, but I have 250+ VMs to create, so that jump from 64 GiB to 65 GiB means an...
I have always used NFS shares which seems to be the most common sharing protocol but today I decided to compare NFS with SMB shares. All of my use is to host VM QCOW2 files.
The storage target is a UGREEN DXP4800 Plus running TrueNAS SCALE. It has a mirrored pair of spinning drives. I created a...
I have a three node cluster. I am struggling to understand SDN. (This is the right way to go, right?) I want to create a private network contained within my cluster.
"Simple" is an isolated bridge that does not allow VMs on different nodes to talk to each other.
Given my simple needs, is VLAN...
A bit of both. I'm exploring what SDN is good for.
While I never said this, I am doing this in a corporate environment. I have three Proxmox 8.2 nodes. I am using two NICs. One NIC goes to our general network. The other NIC on all three nodes is plugged into a standalone switch. The latter...
You are right, I was using "simple".
I deleted the entries in Proxmox associated with my simple zone.
I have tried "VLAN Zones" but DHCP is no longer working.
Now what?
I have a three-node Proxmox cluster, all running 8.2.7. I would like to create two Linux VMs on different nodes in the same cluster and have them be able to talk to each other. I assume using the SDN functionality is the proper way to do this.
I have created a zone with an ID of sdn100
I have...
The default setting of the host type is a matter of great discussion. See
Using the default CPU type will dumb down the emulated CPU. In Proxmox VE 8.2.4 the default is "x86-64-v2-AES". This is equivalent to Westmere or Opteron_G4 CPUs.
I respectfully disagree. The "default" host type removes many of the optimizations modern CPUs have. Just look at that article's results comparing Proxmox (default) vs Proxmox Opi (host). Huge increases when using the host settings.
Storage Review has updated their post, adding "Optimized Proxmox":
Here is the solution..
Update PBS
Go to Datastore -> Your PBS storage.
Click on Options.
Set "Notification Method" to "Notification System"
Should work for you now.
PBS 3.2-2
I am trying to set up email notifications. When I go to Notification Targets, and hit Test, I get the test email with a From address like
I then go to my PBS storage and set up my verify job and run it, I receive a warning email from the mail server saying it...
PBS 3.2-2 I am trying to setup PBS to send notification emails to an SMTP server that does not need authentication to local email addresses.
Here is what I set up:
First thing I noticed is that even though I made a change, the OK button is greyed out. If I add a comment, the OK button is...
As we discovered with the Storage Review of Hypervisors, the default host type incurs a performance penalty. I would like to suggest a better "default" setting.
With a single node, any setting other than "host" is pointless.
In a cluster of multiple nodes all with the same CPU type, any...
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