Hmm... but as I understand "taskset" it would not help in my example.
I still would have to assign 8 vcors only to the VM what would result in running only 8 threads and the usage of 4 hardware cores????
sorry, I didn't express myself properly.
The goal is to give one VM max. 8 virtual cores, but still have 16 threads in this VM. Reason for this is SQL Licensing because it is licensed per Core, so that on a physical machine with 8 hardware cores, you would only have to license 8 cores and...
Hi all,
can I pass all cores and threads to a Virtual Machine?
So that the machine has for example all 8 cores and all 16 threads of the node.
Purpose for this is licensing.
Thanks in advance for answering.
Hi, did not really got you last info...
What means "not covered"? If I configure in the vm.conf for the iscsi drive "nobackup" I can run the pve-zsync backup for the local disk without a problem. Additionaly, I would use the pve-zsync on the iscsimachine to do the backup like you mentioned...
Well but in my example this would be bad because the KVM could have additional local-zfs disks. This is why I wanted to let it run on the node and on the iscsimachine
Hmm... wouldn't I have the same problem that no vm.conf file is available on the iscsimachine?
And this way I would have to run pve-zsync two times. One time on the node (where I would have to configure the iscsi disk vm-100-disk-0 as "nobackup") so that I do not get the error message, and the...
The NAS is a proxmox node that has targetcli running.
Some of our KVMs that are running on ssd nodes has additional ISCSI disks to the "iscsimachine" which has hdds for "slow big storage".
Now when I do a pve-zsync of the KVM, I am getting the error mentioned above.
Because on the scsimachine...
So which would be correct?
pve-zsync sync --source iscsimachine:100 --dest iscsimachine:/rpool/backup
Or this:
pve-zsync sync --source iscsimachine:/rpool/data/vm-100-disk-0 --dest iscsimachine:/rpool/backup
Hi @ all,
when trying to backup a VMs disk with pve-zsync that is located at a "ZFS over iscsi" storage, I am getting "ERROR: in path".
Is it possible that this does not work with "ZFS over iscsi" storages?
Okay, thanks for your answer.
So if I always update the windows virtioserial driver and also the guest agent, there shouldn't really be problems, right?
Hi everyone,
I have a problem with VM shutdowns, specificaly Windows Server 2016 VMs.
When I use the shutdown button in the Web UI, sometimes Server 2016 shuts down without issue, but other times Proxmox gets Error "TASK ERROR: VM quit/powerdown failed - got timeout".
After following this wiki...
Hi, as you can see in the graphs both servers are not really unter high load:
First server
Second server
Hi, hab den Fehler schon gefunden. Liegt daran, dass mein storage server etwas länger braucht um die zfs devices zu laden (da ziemlich viel drauf ist) und deshalb beim start des rtslib-fb-targetctl.service diese noch nicht verfügbar sind.
Ein restart des Service, nachdem der Server hochgefahren...
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