As dominik says, due to deduplication it's a bit difficult. However, depending on what you need to know, I find it very good info to know how much data was backuped on each snapshot. I wish the amount of transferred data during backup was easily available on both PVE and PBS gui afterwards.
If you look from PVE Storage view/Backups/Yourbackupserver instead of from Server view/Node/VM you should see all backups and also be able to try the file restore button there:
This question was already asked and answered here,
However, you can use the proxmox-backup-client,
# proxmox-backup-client status...
Your datastore is simply a directory. If your pool is called rpool, or if you add another zfs pool on other disks, you can create a directory as /rpool/mydatastore and that is indeed your backing path.
I am sorry but i don't understand where you are backing up what. For me it sounds really complicated but if you think it should work, give it a go by making a virtual test cluster.
If you want a simple way with redundancy, you can have a physical PBS backup server with physical disks as backup...
That is a matter of taste, but you can for example use Environment Variables,
Also perhaps it's worth to check API Token.
you can use the proxmox-backup-client,
# proxmox-backup-client status --output-format json-pretty --repository backupuser@pbs@
"avail": 994162114560,
"total": 3040154091520,
The PBS entries in /etc/pve/storage.cfg yes, they are the same you see in the PVE GUI under datacenter/storage. Not the ones you show in the attachment as storage under one node.
Indeed it would be good to have a checkbox for online VMs in PVEs backups. However, we use pools for that, for example one production pool and one production-offline. When we decide to take a prod vm offline for a while, we move it to the offline pool. The backups do pool based meaning the...
PBS is very storage agnostic, you can put the backup storage PBS need on anything you like to speed it up but the design with datastore is both right and working well. ZFS is a great help here as any fast storage but one spinning disk. If the restore seems slow, i don't think it's the problem...
Hi Mario, I don't understand what you are asking, you sync one datastore with one sync job. As far as I know, you cannot sync a whole remote. It's probably a very bad idea to mix several sync jobs into one datastore.
it's up to you how many datastores you backup these 20 VMs to. Normally it works great to backup anything from one PVE cluster to one datastore. If your customers will have access to you backups it's probably a very good idea to keep them in one datastore each.
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