I have an old neglected node running 6.4-15. I am trying to migrate the two remaining VM guests to a new host running 7.3-6. The plan was to backup the VMs and then load them up in the new environment. However, backup is consistently failing.
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 101 --mode...
root@pve:/etc/pve/local# curl -s -k https://localhost:8006 | grep title
<title>pve - Proxmox Virtual Environment</title>
This means the webgui is active I assume? So could it be a firewall blocking access?
Am trying at https://[Proxmox IP]:8006 via microsoft edge. Returns ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.
Things that work:
Ping from [Windows PC] to [Proxmox Host]
Ping from [Proxmox Host] to [Windows PC]
SSH from [Windows PC] to [Proxmox Host]
Things I've tried:
apt update
apt full-upgrade
Output: All...
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