What exactly is the problem, dont you see the network interface , or do you see it and it isnt working? Please post the output of the following commands
lspci -kv
ip link list
cat /etc/network/interfaces
bei LVM hast due 3 Ebenen, die Physical Volumes, die Volume Groups und die logical volumes.
falls iiene sdb leer ist, kannst du eine partition anlegen (sdb1) (typ lvm).
1. Dann machst du diese zum physical volume:
pvcreate /dev/sdb1
2. Dieses fügst du der VolumeGroup pve hinzu:
vgextend pve...
bitte ausgabe von pvs, vgs und lvs
/dev/sda3 ist dein physical volume, pve deine volume group
du hast 93% deiner volume group an logical volumes zugewiesen
bitte ausgabe von cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
1. Can you ping your proxmox Host from another machine?
2. Can you ping another machine from your proxmox?
3. Can you connect to port 8006 from your proxmox and from another machine
Use your IP, obviously
nc -v 8006
OK, local access works ;)
Can you ping your dworkstation od default Gateway from your proxmox?
ip route list |grep default
ping defaultgw ip
Please tell us some more info on your setup, paste /etc/network/interfaces
Might there be a firewall blocking access?
Seems like your disks have problems, this can certainly lead to long startup and shutdown times, try to replace the disk /dev/sdf
Not every error is caught by SMART, unfortunatly, but try a smart long test:
smartctl -t long /dev/sdf
1. Can you ping the ip of your proxmox server?
2. Are all services running (systemctl --failed)
3. Do you see traffic when you try to connect to your proxmox webinterface with tcpdump?
tcpdump -ni any port 8006
Schön dass es wieder tut ;)
Lessons learnt:
Die wichtigen Sachen dokumentieren, z.B. verwendeter storage, Backupserver Zugang, bei verschlüsseltem Backup den entschlüsselungskey ;)
Good news, could we have an option to delete the snapshot from the update before?
Mon snap, update
Tue delete snap from last update create new snap, update
Wed delete snap from last update create new snap, update
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