if is set graphics adapter to vmware, windows detects "microsoft basic display adapter" and "non-pnp monitor"
>If I set Display in PVE8 to none, my Windows 10 VM taskbar will have blurred transparency,
you mean inside rdp virtual session ?
> Hallo. Ich habe den Draytek Support angeschrieben und erfahren, das unterschiedliche VLAN's mit gleichem Subnetz
> nicht untereinander kommunizieren können.
mir scheint dir fehlt da ein wenig grundlagenwissen um vlan und ip-subnetting !?
und wenn ihr am lan port der fritzbox ein anderes endgerät anschliesst? @farrow @Datei ?
passiert das wirklich NUR bei nem angeschlossenen proxmox server ?
ich denke das hat mit proxmox selbst nichts zu tun sondern mit hochfrequenten störungen die angeschlossene geräte induzieren und die dsl...
> Die Mail von Proxmox ist jenseits von Gut und Böse was die Wertung beim Spam angeht.
also spamfilter sind aber auch oft jenseits von gut und böse. oder die konfigurationen von mailsystemen.
bitte mal nicht einfach sowas in den raum stellen ohne darlegung von infos/fakten.
on second try , after powering on the VM again i'm now getting
TASK ERROR: VM 159 qmp command 'blockdev-snapshot-delete-internal-sync' failed - Snapshot with id 'null' and name 'vor_update_9_9_lts' does not exist on device 'drive-scsi0'
powered down again and in vm configuration, the snapshot...
i have the same problem with a centos7 VM on pve ( pve-manager/7.3-3/c3928077 (running kernel: 5.15.74-1-pve) , running in production
did the update help ?
let's assume we have a proxmox backup server where the datastore is getting it's own backup or snapshot at volume / filesystem level.
for example pbs datastore is on zfs and getting snapshotted.
now, what will happen if that datastore is getting a restore/rollback or recovery from backup, i.e...
vmware/broadcom is a greedy company https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/18pprts/news_broadcom_hands_vmware_partners_termination/
i'm sure proxmox will get a lot of new customers or partners, soon ;)
ich würd auch letsencrypt via dns challenge empfehlen, wenn du unbedingt ein gültiges von browsern akzeptiertes zertifikat willst
so sieht das aus:
# certbot --key-type=rsa certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d "<mydomain>"
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
added upstream issue for kvm/qemu at https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/2060
for lxc, issue already exists since may https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/4315
there have been changes in memfd kernel api ( https://lwn.net/Articles/918106/ )
i'm getting these messages with recent pve and pbs:
root@pbsvm:~# dmesg |grep memfd
[ 42.570992] kvm[1162]: memfd_create() called without MFD_EXEC or MFD_NOEXEC_SEAL set
# dmesg |grep memfd
[ 14.631522]...
here is another report on corruption happening with glusterfs
anyhow, for me pbs is not a replacement for vzdump full backup, if you really care about backup.
it's an efficient and fast incremental forever backup solution, but i would NEVER rely on that alone.
even with veeam, you typically won't do incremental backup forever without adding a full backup...
thanks for explaining it. very valuable !
so, essentially , can this be called a "missing feature" in pbs rust/apt subroutines to properly resolve (and thus skip) fulfilled alternate dependencies ?
here ?
yeah, but why does pve gui and apt commandline behave different from pbs gui ?
after upgrade, i don't see that libglusterfs-dev is being installed.
and even if it would have been installed, it makes no sense to me, as libglusterfs-dev is a package for development, not for runtime
for my curiousity, the gluster package is no longer shown after upgrading the other 2 packages
and i don't have any libglusterfs-dev installed
maybe this could be a parsing bug in pbs webui ?
root@pbsvm:/tmp# apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
i have pbs installed on top of pve
when running apt update in pbs, there is a difference of 1 package shown, i.e. in pbs webui,
why is libglusterfs-dev shown here ?
this looks weird
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