Proxmox Android client - UPDATE: Version BETA released


Renowned Member
Dec 20, 2010
Dear Proxmox Team
thanks for your great Virtualization Solution!! To thanks you we will try to create an android client for the most important feature of Proxmox.
We will keep in touch for further news.
At the moment we are try to understand the JSON API of Proxmox so the first release is not near the door...
Please share with us some good idea to implement.
Sincerely Dimitri (

Beta Release (13/07/2012) on Market (

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Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Hello Proxmoxers!

Even if we made you wait more than maybe you expected, we finally successed in building a first version of this client!

v2.0 changelog (9/4/2013)
- Added VNC Console support! (thanks @Elbandi)

v1.3.5 changelog (18/1/2013):
- Added shutdown action on VMs (thanks @mir).

v1.3.1 changelog (26/11/2012):
- Fixed widget loading error for countries different than US.

v1.3 changelog (24/11/2012):
- Added status widget to monitor cluster and nodes status (thanks @mir).
- Added alarm notifications to notify exceed resource consumption (thanks @mir).
- Fixed crashes due to dialogs not finding parent activities.

v1.2 changelog (29/07/2012):
- Changed authentication view to let users insert their custom realms.
- Added a cluster logs viewer.
- Added VM migrate action (thanks @mir for patches).
- Added alert dialogs for not successed VM actions.
- Minor bug fixes.

v1.1 changelog (17/07/2012):
- Fixed a bug preventing app to open
- Added days indicator in uptime
- Added separate alert dialogs for missing network connection

v1.0 changelog (13/07/2012):
- Amazing Graphics
- Cluster Detail View
- Node List Detail View
- VM List Detail View
- Start/Stop VM (KVM/OpenVZ) machine
- Better authentication

v1.0 Alpha2 changelog:
- Implemented preference to store login data
- Now show also OpenVZ container

v1.0 Alpha1 changelog:
- View VM Machine Status
- Start/Stop the VM

Greetings, Pietro (
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Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Thanks to my very good guy Pietro we have made our first ALPHA on QuadProx Client!!Please.
Give to us some suggestion and feedback for upcoming feature.Thanks so muchDimitri
Bellini (
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Here are some screenshots:

[QuadProx] Schermata Autenticazione.jpg [QuadProx] Lista Server.jpg [QuadProx] Statistiche VM.jpg

In the first image there are some input fields where to insert server name (don-t forget the port, usually 8006), your username (complete it with realm abbreviation, like user@pve) and your password. Later we'll try to implement a profile system, through which you will have possibility to save frequently accessed servers with relative credentials.

In second image ther's a simple list of servers ordered by nodes, with their current status. We're planning to change layout putting an expandable list of nodes, each of them will contain a sublist of relative vms.

Third image shows more detailed statistics, updatable with the VM Details button. Start and Stop buttons i think don't need explanation :) ; after they have been clicked they'll update stats below after having started/stopped the vm.

Pietro (
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Hi, interesting work! What license is this software released? If Free(dom) I would love to have a loot at the source code (I avoid install proprietary programs in my android as much as I reasonable can... proprietary sw on a very smart and capable device seems a suicide to me).
Best regards
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Hi mmenaz
Thanks for interesting on our small project! We will give our App OpenSource if there are some interest from the community...
We want make some bug and clean up and release it soon for beta testing.
Please provide some feedbackup or suggestion.
pi_anto is the main developer so please give some suggestion to him is very useful.
Thanks so much
I would like to see this app for iPhone. Is there something like this in the appstore?

Sent from my mobile phone using Tapatalk
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Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

I found out a problem with the manifest file for older Android versions than 2.3.x (like 2.2, Froyo).
Now it seems to work, if you are on an android version previous to 2.3 please try again.:

Thanks for your patience!
Thank you, they can already download and install.
If you prefer, you can refer to the VMware vSphere Client for the iPad "the UI design.
Re: Proxmox Android client - UPGRADE: Version ALPHA released

Hi bd5hty
Very good suggestion is looking very nice the app for VMWare, i will report to Pietro.
Thanks so much
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Hi, interesting work! What license is this software released? If Free(dom) I would love to have a loot at the source code (I avoid install proprietary programs in my android as much as I reasonable can... proprietary sw on a very smart and capable device seems a suicide to me).
Best regards


source code is now available in Git form. You can find it in the Source subtab on the google code project page ;)
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Looks like something that could grow into a very useful app...

I noticed it only shows my KVM machines though, not the VZ containers... Is it meant to show VZ or is it only KVM at this point?
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Looks like something that could grow into a very useful app...

I noticed it only shows my KVM machines though, not the VZ containers... Is it meant to show VZ or is it only KVM at this point?

At the moment we have implemented only KVM machines view, but soon we'll add VZ aswell :)
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

GREAT! GPL3, perfect choice, grazie mille :) I hope to find time to start hacking with android since I've just bought a second hand Samsung Galaxy II (an "upgrade" from my former Htc G1) and now do some serious work is possible.
Best regards and... happy hacking ;P
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Looks like something that could grow into a very useful app...

I noticed it only shows my KVM machines though, not the VZ containers... Is it meant to show VZ or is it only KVM at this point?

Added VZ containers. New version available. :)
Re: Proxmox Android client - Work In Progress

Alpha2 version up on project page.

Moved login view to a Preferences menu. It will show up first time user installs and opens application, later it will be accessible from vm list view through the Preferences menu (pushing menu button on device).

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