no network interface on NetBSD 5.1.2 guest

  • Thread starter Thread starter hazuki
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[FIXED] no network interface on NetBSD 5.1.2 guest

Hi all !

My problème is quite simple :

Whatever the network adapter I choose, the NetBSD guest doesn't detect it. Is it normal ?

I run it with kvm
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I tried only three model in the GUI because I use LVM as storage.
I don't know how to access to the vm's data.
I modified the network adapter in the conf file (/etc/pve/qemu-server/102.conf for me).
I replaced the net driver by "ne2k_pci" and reboot the installation and still no network card.
I'll search any other solution by my side.
I just tried it here, I can´t even install it. can you instruct me? (iso, settings, etc.)
For the installation on pve-proxmox, I use the iso for the i386 arch.

I tried with amd64 and it didn't find /dev/console and for the moment I didn't search why.

And NetBSD doesn't seem to recognize virtIO hard drive. (I don't why for the moment)

All isos can be finded in : (french mirror)

At boot, we lanch the installer without acpi neither smp (it makes NetBSD slow)

The first part of the installation is identifying of drive and partitioning.

after that is the installation of the system and you have plural choice :

-> from CD
-> from HTTP or FTP
-> from NFS

For testing network card, I use FTP.

The first step is configuring network (in our case, it's here that NetBSD says that there are no usable network adapter) dhcp or static as you want.

The second one is set the FTP parameters, I use

host : (still french mirror)
base directory : pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-5.1.2
sets directory : i386/binary/sets/

The others field can keep their value.

After that, the installer will download and extract all it need and ask you question about root password, password storage, login shell etc...

Sorry for my poor English, I'm french

Post scriptum :
I found an article which may interess
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NetBSD 6.0 Beta is now out, I'll test this evening to see if it have some improvement for my problem in the guest side.
but without network it's quite difficult to download from git

p.s : I solved this problem but downloading on the host and creating ISO from the directory
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I think that NetBSD can be considered as incompatible with KVM and the version 6.0_BETA doesn't boot at all
It works for NetBSD 6.0_RC2 with arch AMD64 and I386.

But It need E1000 for network interfaces and CD need the option "NO ACPI and NO SMP" to boot.

After the installation, the system boot normaly with his network interfaces.

P.S. : Have I to add a "[FIXED]" prefix on the title of this topic ?