Migrating VMWare VMs to Proxmox 2.0 - How to use an existing HD-image


Renowned Member
Dec 8, 2010
I read several postings about how to migrate a VMWare VM to Proxmox.

Now I have copied the vmdk-File to the proxmox-machine
How can I use this existinge Image-File for a new VM ?
I find only the option to create a new Image, but no to use an existing.

nevertheless, i found posting where someone had teh option to use an exsiting image-file.
But maybe this was in an older version of proxmox.
there is a feature request, see https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=57

to workaround, just create a new VM disk on the preferred storage and delete it. now you will see an unused disk on the hardware tab.

now, open the VMID.conf file via CLI (see /etc/pve/nodes/NODENAME/VMID.conf) and you will see a line like

unused0: local:102/vm-102-disk-1.vmdk

now, if you already copied your disk image to this location, in my case local storage just add your disk, just as unused1.

unused1: local:102/yourdiskimage.vmdk

now, you will see yourdiskimage.vmdk on the gui and you can add it to your VM via gui
not yet implemented.